The company manufactures nearly 30 types of over 140 agitators, ranging from the most common (including the existing HB5 standard, SB90 standard agitators) to a variety of complex shapes or special purpose agitators. According to H/ t2123-91 standard various specifications of the series of manufacturing, or according to the production process requirements of users, design and manufacture of agitator for a variety of special requirements, special specifications or special USES.
Four-blade propeller agitator
Four wide blade detachable propeller -KSX, four narrow blade detachable propeller -ZSX
Four Ye Xuan paddle mixer has the same characteristics as the three-blade propeller type and applications, but the ability to cycle is opposite bigger, power consumption is relatively larger, more suitable for the larger input power, can save more gas, under the broad leaf gets distributed more smoothly, so the trend of its application in fermentation tank, commonly used medium viscosity range mu < 104 cp, commonly used speed n = 30-500 RPM, commonly used size DJ/D = 0.2 0.5, narrow leaf B/DJ = 0.2, broad leaf B/DJ = 0.4, commonly used left handed, but make it right.